My new song, “Shirley, You Must Be Joking” is here!
Add the song on Spotify and you can take your pick of rewards!
A free download of a Frozen 2 cover song!
A free libertarian ZIP file – my bundle of FREEDOM. (my 3 articles from Mises.org and my 3 podcast appearances)
Heck, you can even try both! Maybe it will work.
Listen on:
And everywhere else!
The Lyrics
She says borrowing will make her rich
Her goal is to dig and refill this ditch
Credit cards, scratch-off games, and loans
She’s mortgaged her very bones
She goes deadpan, she plays the straight-man
She’ll make you cry ‘til you laugh
She begs the question and I’m begging for answers
She doesn’t know it’s a gaff
Shirely, you must be joking (x2)
She’d drown that puppy if they say she should
She says it is for the greater good
They tease her with hope just for fun
Owned by all and known by none
She keeps burning money she’s not earning
She thinks economics is a hoax
She doesn’t hate or discriminate
She’s buying Stalin and Bin Laden cokes
Shirely, you must be joking (x2)
I’m laughing so much I’m choking
If the thieves let you steal from everyone too
They’ll let everyone steal from you
You’re not a link in some collective chain
Or a cell in someone else’s brain
Shirely, you must be joking (x2)
I’m laughing so much I’m choking