NEW SONG – the Christmas Truce – 104 years ago

Season’s Greetings, Internet!

One hundred four years ago today, something remarkable happened during World War I:

  • A German soldier dodged gun fire so that he could carry a Christmas tree to his enemies, enacting a “Christmas Truce”.
  • Many areas on the western front spontaneously broke out in Christmas celebrations between the warring armies, including German, British, and French troops.
  • In “No Man’s Land,” the barren wasteland between the opposing sides’ trenches, the enemy armies played soccer.
  • They sang Christmas carols together.
  • They drank wine and brandy, and gave gifts to each other.

There is a book about this amazing incident called Silent Night by Stanley Weintraub.

My new song, The Christmas Truce, is based on this true story.

Please download it for free as my gift to you. Thanks for reading this, and Merry Christmas! Or “Happy Holidays” if you prefer.